Anderson’s Story

Anderson was born in a Christian home and was raised in the city of Palotas in Rio Grande do Sul. He is a third generation Baptist. From a young age he strived to live a God honoring life.

His parents were a big part in helping shape him spiritually. He also remembers all the great Sunday school teachers and pastors who invested in his life.

As a teenager he began to look for way to serve God in the church. When he was 16 he felt God speaking to him during his bible reading. He felt God was calling him into full time ministry. He began asking for opportunities to teach and preach. He was involved in camp ministry, and in the national mission group that came and did outreach in his city.

When he was 18, he went to University and got his degree in Computer Programming. He then went onto to do a Bachelors in Theology. He is passionate about theology and spends much time reading and asking question of his pastor Olavo Virgil, who is also a Kairos student.

In June 2020 Anderson was ordained into Pastoral ministry. He is excited about continuing his education through Kairos and is praying about where God may have him serve.

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