Lyndell and Paulo Réquia


Lyndell is the field director of team of Brazil. She has served in Brazil for over 20 years as a professor at the seminary. She also coordinates the pastoral formation course, which includes recruiting visiting professors. Her academic expertise is in leadership development and hermeneutics. She is also working toward a PhD in Missions. On top of her work at the seminary she is also involved in ministry at a small church in the suburbs of the city where her husband serves as pastor.


Paulo is a national partner missionary with the NAB. He is also a missionary with Hispanics for Christ. As someone born and raised in Porto Alegre, he has a passion for the lost people of his home state. He is a graduate of the seminary and is continuing his education by getting a Master of Divinity through the Kairos program. He serves as pastor of a Baptist church in the suburban city of Canoas. The church is in a low-income neighborhood, so he is also passionate about camp ministry and works to raise funds to send children in low income areas to church camp each summer. He also gives classes to adults to help them pass exams that might lead them to better jobs.