Brandon grew up in a church that loved missions and missionaries. From a young age he heard stories of how God is at work across the world. As a teen, he felt God’s leading to full-time ministry. After graduating from high school he began his educational journey that led him through a bachelors, two masters degrees, and a PhD. It was during this journey that he met and married Marci. After pastoring for a few years, he answered the call to Rio Grande do Sul to teach at the seminary.
Brandon has a passion for God’s church and loves pastors. It brings him great joy to teach, walk alongside, and support pastors and church leaders in Brazil.
Marci grew up on the mission field. Born to career missionaries in Kenya, she saw first-hand what it was like to live and minister overseas. After graduating from high school she attended bible college and received her BS in Intercultural Studies. It was there that she met and married Brandon.
It brings her much joy to build relationships with the people in the churches of Rio Grande do Sul. She is excited to continue to learn Portuguese and prays that she can soon be involved more in the women’s ministry.
Instagram: Marci Jones @joyful_joneses and/or Follow us on our Facebook group Keeping Up With the Joneses In Brazil.