Brandon Jones Brandon Jones

Happy New Year (Election Is Over)

As a relative newcomer to the church's calendar, I am still adjusting to resetting the new year every late November as Advent begins. Some years it sneaks up on me amid all the other things going on in my life. But this year? I am more than ready for it before it begins, because I need to be reminded of who I am and who God's people really are. Or at least what we are called to be…

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Brandon Jones Brandon Jones

Where's God?

Sometimes I want to escape the city, but for us Christians is there any escape…

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Brandon Jones Brandon Jones

The Tree of Life

Without naming it specifically, the tree in the first psalm resembles the Tree of Life. Like Chekov's gun, the Tree of Life shows up in the beginning of our story as humans, and is sure to reappear at the end...

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Brandon Jones Brandon Jones

And Teaching Them: What's Been Changing in Theological Education

“And teaching them.” Those three words are often overlooked when people reflect on the Great Commission, but they sum up our mission in Brazil.

The teaching ministry of the church and her missionaries constantly evolves. As I age I presume sometimes that the methods I used as a student were better than what “kids these days” are doing. But I fight against that because some trends in theological education have made things better for everyone. I'll share three:

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Brandon Jones Brandon Jones

Working the Angles (and the Brakes): On Pastoring Pastors

One day my daughter will learn how to work the bike better, but I’d hate to have her take out a meandering toddler or a biker before then. However, in ministry no one will yank the brake for you. And before long a collision usually comes…

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Brandon Jones Brandon Jones

Occupational Hazards

John the Baptist pointed out the temptations of tax collectors and soldiers. What would he say to me, a missionary?

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Brandon Jones Brandon Jones

Am I the Anti-Luther? Thoughts from St. Peter's Basilica

It is safe to say that I’ll never enter a more transcendent church building than St. Peter’s Basilica, and I am not sure I’d want to regularly worship there. But it does serve to contrast well the spaces in which I have worshiped and makes me wonder…

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Brandon Jones Brandon Jones

90 Day Fiancé and the New Missionary

Moving with a family to another country is different than trying to create a new family with someone from a different culture. But nonetheless, here are some similarities I have found as a viewer between 90 Day Fiancé and being a new missionary…

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Brandon Jones Brandon Jones

It's beginning to look (but not feel) a lot like Christmas

On November First I shared a moment with a stranger here. We were both entering the supermarket and noticed the ginormous festive Christmas ornaments now dangling from the ceiling. Confused, she said out loud “Já Natal?!” (Christmas already?) and I shook my head in agreement with her.

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Brandon Jones Brandon Jones

The Sacred Way

I was prepared to see ruins and imagine the past while In Rome, but I couldn’t believe that I was stepping foot on the same pavement that hosted the dusty feet of Caesars, senators, soldiers, gladiators, priests, and prisoners…

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Brandon Jones Brandon Jones

Just Breathe

Apparently, I’m old enough to crack a rib and young enough to not realize it right away. And there's even more I don't realize about comfort, righteousness, and grace…

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Brandon Jones Brandon Jones

Waiting to Exhale

In Linton, North Dakota Marci and I had lunch with our missions director at a local restaurant. Over some fleischkuechle and pie he asked about our year. I told him I thought I would exhale some after being back, but I didn’t. That was October, which seems like ages ago.

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Brandon Jones Brandon Jones


What is it like to rustle through pieces of a past life that are stored away and forgotten with weeds growing all around its entrance, especially when it’s my past life?

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Brandon Jones Brandon Jones


My daughter greeted me in the car after school by saying, “I told my class that I was moving away this morning, and then I started to cry. I didn’t think I would, but I did.” When we say things out loud it's not just our ears that listen, but our hearts as well, so why don't we pray that way?

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