Update on Talent Show

Last month I posted about my shy little Monica's desire to be in the talent show. In case you missed it, here is the first part of this story.

The talent show was last night, and the days leading up to the event were filled with anxiety. The day before the show Monica confessed that she had been crying herself to sleep the last couple of nights. She would take her notes into a closed room and practice, but was always too scared to share her act with the rest of us. I would take her in my arms and pray over her, asking God to calm her spirit and to give her the confidence she needs to do this task she desperately desired to do. Not one time in the middle of all this anxiety did I hear her say, "I want to quit." She pushed through all these emotions.

She is such a strong little girl. It amazed me that this whole thing was her idea. She wanted to sign up for the talent show; she picked her talent; she wrote her own jokes; she tried out in front the the judges and made it in, and then she performed last night. As her mother, I tried hard to just be a encouragement from the sidelines. I often think of the quote by A. A. Milne, "You are braver than you believe, Stronger than you seem, and Smarter than you think." 

Last night was so much fun. Not only to watch my sweet Monica find success in completing her task, but in watching our new community shine. Act after act you watched nervous kids get up in front of people and perform. The audience was amazing. For each one they laughed, clapped, and encouraged the acts. A group of high school girls came up to Monica after the show and told her that they can't wait to watch her on a Netflix special in the future. I saw a new side of the community of Aurora, and it was fun. This town has been a great in-between place for our family.


The Gift of Staying


The Waiting Place: What I’ve Pieced Together While Living in Between