Olavo’s Story
Olavo did not grow up in a Christian home. While serving in serving in the army, a friend of his invited him to come to church. That was the first time he had stepped foot in a church building.
That night the pastor preached a message out of Judges 6. The call to salvation was given and Olavo went forward and accepted Christ. He joined the church and was baptized.
In 2005 Olavo met his wife Juliana while working at a camp. They have made a great ministry team. She is very involved in women's ministries and is the president of the Women's Union of Rio Grande do Sul. The women's union works to unite the women of the churches in our State by having regular meetings and retreats.
In 2006 Olavo was ordained and followed the call to pastor Baptist Church of Cristal in Porto Alegre. He pastored there for 12 years. In 2018 they moved to Pelotas after he accepted to be the Pastor of First Baptist Church.
Over the years Olavo has taken advantage of opportunities to continue his education. He has enrolled and graduated from several programs. He has a desire to continue to learn how to best lead and develop faithful leaders in the church.
The fruits of Olavo's ministry is evident. Several of the students in the Kairos pilot program are from his church and have been mentored by him.